Tuesday, June 16, 2020

New Reader Sets Its Sights Further South Than Usual

Fermenter being filled at Cascade Hollow Distillery, Tullahoma, TN
Whiskey history is weird, especially Tennessee whiskey history.

Tennessee whiskey is a modern creation with ancient roots and it's a whiskey many drinkers still struggle to understand.

For much of its history, "Jack Daniel's" and "Tennessee whiskey" have been synonymous. It didn't start out that way and with how things are going, it won't be that way much longer.

All of that is a tease for the new issue of The Bourbon Country Reader, which is out now.

I haven't published since February. Blame the pandemic. Anyway, it's back, and taking a deep dive into Tennessee whiskey.

Current Reader subscribers should receive their copies in a week or so. New subscribers can get on the bandwagon by clicking here.

Founded in 1993, The Bourbon Country Reader is the oldest publication devoted entirely to American whiskey. It is a charming mix of news, history, analysis, and product reviews. Do you worry that advertising spending influences coverage in other publications? No chance of that here since The Bourbon Country Reader is 100 percent reader-supported. It accepts no advertising.

To experience The Bourbon Country Reader for yourself, you need to subscribe. Honoring history, The Bourbon Country Reader still comes to you exclusively on paper, in an envelope, via the USPS.

A subscription to The Bourbon Country Reader is still a mere $20 per year for addresses in the USA, $25 for everyone else. The Bourbon Country Reader is published six times a year, more-or-less, but your subscription always includes six issues no matter how long it takes. For those of you keeping track, this new one is Volume 20, Number 1.

Click here to subscribe with PayPal or any major credit card, or for more information. Click here for a free sample issue (in PDF format). Click here to open or download the free PDF document, "The Bourbon Country Reader Issue Contents in Chronological Order." (It's like an index.)

If you want to catch up on what you've missed, bound back issue volumes are available for $20 each, or three for $50. That's here too.

If you prefer to pay by check, make it payable to Made and Bottled in Kentucky, and mail it to Made and Bottled in Kentucky, 3712 N. Broadway, PMB 298, Chicago, IL 60613-4198. Checks drawn on U.S. banks only, please.


  1. In the 70s, Jack was my gateway bourbon. But JD was 90 proof, and aged a bit longer than it seems to be now. But when I discovered it, I always preferred Dickel #12.

    Then JD went to 86 proof and finally to 80. Both times I heard nary a whimper. I have a feeling if something like that happened today it might get a bigger response, with the Internet and all. But then again, SO much JD gets mixed with cola I'm not sure it would matter much to many of their customers.

    BTW, I'm not suggesting JD doesn't make some good whiskey. They certainly do know what they are doing. Some of the single barrels are magnificent, IMO.

    Anyway, I'm a Tennessee whiskey fan. Looking forward to the new Reader.

  2. Great reader. Everything one needs to know about Tennessee whiskey, and an update on what you wrote in your book and various columns since then.

    One thing I forgot to ask when I was there; maybe you know: Do Jack and George still do the standard chill filtration before bottling like most bourbons, or does the L.C. process substitute for that?

  3. I'm sure they do. Since the LCP happens before barreling and the chill filtration happens just prior to bottling, the two processes have nothing to do with each other. Chill filtration is cosmetic, to prevent flocking or 'chill haze' when bottles get cold.

  4. Great issue, Chuck. Filled in a gap or two in my Tennessee whiskey knowledge. It was the last issue of this year's subscription. Great timing. I'm re-upping (again) for sure!
