Saturday, June 1, 2019

For Father's Day, a Deal on Subscriptions to Bourbon+ Magazine

Bourbon+ is one of the places you can find me, other than here. Fred Minnick, my brother in bourbon, is Editor-in-Chief. Fred tells me they have already earned the number two position in the whiskey magazine marketplace, according to people who watch such things, in just a year. And they're trying to grow even more.

He also says my "Back in the Day" column "is our most popular amongst our base." He's buttering me up so I'll tell you about a special offer they're running, just in time for Father's Day, which is 15% off a subscription for you, your dad, or anybody, really. Use the code BFATH19. The offer is only valid for US subscribers and for one year.

This is my most recent column.


  1. Thanks for the tip, Chuck. I've managed to avoid Minnick's many pleas to subscribe. It's always seemed a little too focused on celebrity stuff, for which I have absolutely no interest. But seeing that you are a contributor might sway my opinion. I'm not a father, but maybe I'll give myself a little gift, anyway.

    And what's with that sketch of you, for that article? Did you get a face transplant? I guess you must have shaved. But still, I never would have known that was your article by the drawing alone.

    Anyway, best of luck in that venture.

  2. That portrait is of the column's subject, Larry Kass of Heaven Hill. If you want to see my mug, it's over my 'Straight Talk' column in Whisky Advocate.

  3. Well, that makes sense, Chuck. Thanks. I just thought this might be your regular column, and they typically put the picture of the writer next to it. Clearly I have never seen a picture of Mr. Kass. At least not that I know of.

  4. One year only means one year only on the discount. I subscribed for two years and was unable to take advantage of $3.75 discount. I would suggest whatever you do DONT subscribe for two years. Good business move. Bill Hamilton
