Friday, October 30, 2015

Imbibe Magazine Says I'm a Character

I'll get right to the point. This link opens an article from the November-December 2015 issue of Imbibe Magazine. Thank you to Imbibe Executive Editor Paul Clarke, writer Robert Simonson, and photographer Matthew Gilson for making it happen.

Thanks also to Gary Regan, Fred Noe, and LeNell Camacho Santa Ana, who Robert got to say nice things about me, and to Max Shapira, president of Heaven Hill (who I've known for 37 years), for admitting that I sometimes piss him off. Special thanks to Chris Kafcas at Fountainhead for hosting the photo session. It takes a lot of time and effort to make me look that good.

The article is headlined 'Whiskey's Iconoclast,' a characterization I can't dispute. The first person who called me an iconoclast, many years ago, had to define it for me. She explained the word's etymology and then we had sex. I'm so glad I went to college.

It's true that as a child of the 60s, I've never had much use for authority. That's probably why I've been self-employed for the past 30 years.

The best thing about this late-life career I've fallen into is all of the fun and fascinating people I've met as a result. It should not surprise you that most people in the hospitality business are fun and sociable, so much so that they can even tolerate the occasional boozy iconoclast.


  1. Keep it going Chuck! Love your work.

  2. What's in the glass?

  3. I'm glad you asked. Henry McKenna BIB, Fountainhead barrel selection.

  4. I'd love to be called a boozy iconoclast someday. Slainte Chuck.

  5. Nice Chuck, and thanks for the warning about using big words in front of you.

  6. Richnimrod said;

    Chuck, that was a rare piece of complimentary writing; which you richly deserve, but rarely get.
    Congrats to a real curmudgeon, a true iconoclast, who always has an idiosyncratic view to share.
    We count on you for all of that, so KEEP IT UP!!!

  7. Nice article! They really should have tried to interview someone from Diageo, though. Or maybe Templeton. The term "arch-nemesis" might have come up :)

  8. I think if Templeton was asked about Chuck,their response couldn't be printed. I also think if Diageo was asked they would be very professional on the record. Off the record, well it probably not be print worthy either. I spent for days on a tour buss with Chuck in 2014. The man is a vast wealth of knowledge on the industry. In fact he probably forgot more than what but a select few of spirits writers know. Well deserved Chuck. But the bit about being a character....that's an understatement. ;-)

  9. The phrase "and then we had sex" probably would have sounded cheesy or even silly if it came from someone else but in this case it sounded awfully and brilliantly cool. I always enjoy reading your blog (and I enjoyed reading your book as well),

    On a unrelated note when I clicked on the link it told me that "The free EarthLink member website you are trying to visit has been so popular that it has exceeded its monthly traffic allotment" and it's still the beginning of November! Wow.

  10. I'm working on that. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  11. That problem has been fixed. If anyone else has trouble reaching anything on this site, please let me know.

  12. I tried to subscribe but got "Sorry...Page Temporarily Unavailable" error ! Help!

  13. Try again, and if you get that message again, try 'refresh.' I think I fixed it this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  14. Nope - still getting the "Sorry...Page Temporarily Unavailable" due to YOUR monthly allotment being exceeded. Says to come back on the first of the month. Can't even download the PDF of the Sample bulletin.

    Oh well.

  15. Click here. It should take you directly to the order form on PayPal.
