Thursday, August 18, 2011

Buffalo Trace Distillery Announces Second Release In Colonel Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr. Collection.

Buffalo Trace Distillery has announced the second release in the Colonel Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr. collection. It is a single barrel bourbon aged in a warehouse built by Taylor in 1881 (Warehouse C).

The bourbon was aged for 11 years, 7 months, and Bottled-in-Bond at 100 proof. The recipe is Buffalo Trace rye-recipe bourbon mash #1.

It joins the E. H. Taylor Jr. Old Fashioned Sour Mash Bourbon Buffalo Trace released earlier this year. Availability will be similarly limited. The packaging is also similar, and reminiscent of Taylor’s bottles from nearly one hundred years ago.

E. H. Taylor is widely considered one of the founding fathers of the bourbon industry, fighting for the Bottled-in-Bond Act of 1897. During his lifetime, Taylor implemented several innovative methods still used today by Buffalo Trace, such as climate controlled aging warehouses.

Suggested retail is $59.99 per 750ml bottle.


  1. I'm loving that bottle and label. Hopefully the stuff inside is just as good...

  2. I was emailed a sample of this bourbon and I've got one word for it: Luscious!

  3. Have you had a chance to try the latest edition in this line? I missed out on the sour mash recipe but was able to secure this single barrel edition. I am interested to hear your thoughts about the two as the experiment continues.

  4. I don't think I got a sample of this one, or maybe it's in one of those unopened boxes. My broken wrist slowed be down for about two months. I'm mostly recovered now but still catching up.
