Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Malt Advocate Joins M. Shanken, Inc.

It may just be a coincidence, but on Friday I guest-blogged for John Hansell on "What Does John Know" and today he announced that his Malt Advocate Inc. has joined M. Shanken, Inc., publishers of the Wine Spectator, Cigar Aficionado, Market Watch, Food Arts, and Impact. In addition to publishing Malt Advocate magazine, Malt Advocate Inc. produces annual WhiskeyFest events in New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Both companies have interests in publishing and events, and both cater to the beverage alcohol industry.

I am a regular contributor to Malt Advocate magazine.

John Hansell will remain Malt Advocate magazine’s Publisher & Editor, and Amy Westlake will continue as Director of WhiskyFest events. Malt Advocate, Inc. operations will remain at their current office in Emmaus, PA.

Congratulations John and Amy, and bravo!


  1. Chuck, do you think this is a good thing? While I'm sure this is good for John financially, I read Wine Spectator and have to say I think it's gotten a bit fluffy over the years. Absolutely filled with ads (I understand that you have to pay the bills, but still), and lots of promotions, etc. I remember a few years ago someone scammed them by inventing a restaurant wine list with all wines that had been related subpar by WS and WS gave it some sort of approved status.

    And all I know about Cigar Afficionado is that one of their first covers had Rush Limbaugh on it.

    I don't know how feel you free to speak since you are a contributor, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

  2. I associate Shanken more with his trade publications such as Impact and Market Watch, which I have admired for more than 20 years, ever since I worked in the industry. I doubt much will change in the short term but in the long term, who knows? Maybe Malt Advocate will transform Shanken rather than the other way around.

  3. That's good to hear, and it sounds like John is maintaining editorial control, which is good.

    Maybe the Bourbon Country Reader will be next. :)
